Freedom - Ghost Dash

This is a sample dash effect that I wanted to share!

It does not end until you set the dash timer to 0 or use a toggle to change when to use the effect!

Object needing the dash effect:


// timer you pass into the dash effect function

dash_timer = 0;

// The amount of time in frames to know how long until creating another effect

time_for_effect = 10;




create_new_dash function:

// This function will take the dash time, and when the dash timer is a multiple of the time for effect, create a dash effect

// White is the default color and displays the sprite normally

function create_new_dash(time, cols = c_white) {

if (dash_timer mod time == 0) {

// Can also use a with statement

var dash = instance_create_layer(x, y, "Instances", obj_dash_effect);

dash.sprite_index = sprite_index;

dash.image_index = image_index;

dash.image_angle = image_angle;

dash.image_blend = cols;



Dash effect object (obj_dash_effect):


image_alpha = .8;

fade_amount = .05;


// Fade out as long as the image alpha is above 0

if (image_alpha > 0) {

image_alpha -= inc;

} else {



Available at:, and the official website!

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